Dr. Robert Batteaux
Dr. Robert A.Batteaux is a native Houstonian that received an undergraduate degree from Xavier University of New Orleans 97’. After receiving his B.S. degree, Robert attended Howard University in Washington D.C, where he received his dental degree D.D.S. in 2001. After his graduation, Robert was offered the opportinuty to do a General practice residency in Bronx, New York at the Bronx-Lebanon hospital for one year. Year 2005 started a private practice, which he sold in 2011 to make the transition to make the mobile dental practice successful.
Years of volunteer work community centers and seeing his elderly grandparents and relatives first hand in nursing facilities, Dr. Batteaux saw directly how dental services could be offered in these specific areas where access to dental treatment can be a challenge. Transit Dental was created to help bring some solutions the patients in skilled nursing facilities and others where dental access is limited.
Dr. Batteaux is a member of the National Dental Association, American Dental Assoc. And founder of the non-profit Icon Outreach.
1993-1997: Xavier University of Louisiana Bachelor of Science
1997-2001: Howard College of Dentistry Doctorate of Dental Surgery
2001-2002: Bronx-Lebanon Hospital (NY) General practice Residency
2003- Invisalign certified Invisalign Orthodontics
2005– World Clinical Laser Institute Associate Fellowship
2007– LVI certified Level III Cosmetic Dentistry
2010 Ortho World Fast Braces certified
2011 Mongalo Institute Implant Fellowship
Continuing Education/ Affiliate Groups:
Over 500 hrs of Restorative and Cosmetic Dentistry continuing education
2006 Standard Solution- 2 yrs Practice Management training
2007 LVI Cosmetic dentistry/ Case Presentation training
2009 Gems Dr. Orent Insiders circle (Member) Dental Practice coaching/training (marketing/staff/doctor training)
2010 Dental Wealth Partner- Internet Marketing/Staff/Dr. training
2011 Icon Outreach/ Aetna- Next Level Fitness program: 1yr Grant project (nutrition)
National Dental Association, American Dental Assoc., Charles A. George dental society, ICOI- International Congress of Oral Implantology